
basic careThe rule of thumb is to avoid storing dirt!
Basic Care

In taking care of the foundation, it is important to think in terms of "minus" rather than "plus.
We asked him about the ultimate in this process, the art of wiping with water.

From "Japanese Leather No. 3" published in 2010

Many people consider wiping water on leather to be taboo. Mr. Yasutomi, who advocates this method, used to believe that "water is the enemy of leather.
However, more than a year ago, he saw a saddle soap for leather in England, which led him to drastically change his stance on shoe care. He was skeptical about the idea of washing leather. He was skeptical about the idea of washing leather, but after trying it, he found that the leather was restored to its former glory. People often say that leather is breathable, but actually it is not. To be precise, there are no holes on the surface of leather, but rather the fibers absorb moisture and expel it. It has more than just breathability," he says.
When dirt accumulates on the inner surface of the leather, the breathing function becomes sluggish. By wiping the leather with water, the dirt can be removed and the leather can be restored to a healthy state.

Basic black straight tips. Because they are so simple, care makes all the difference.

Step 1: Brushing

First, remove dust by brushing. Brush out any dirt stuck in the crevices and seams. If you don't have time, just brushing will make a difference.

Remove dirt from raised leather by rubbing!

Unlike smooth leather, raised leather such as suede, velour, and nubuck has a surface covered with fibers, and dirt tends to accumulate in the spaces between the fibers and is difficult to remove. The best way to remove these stubborn stains is to use friction. Use a nylon brush, a steel-plated brush, or a sponge to brush the surface vigorously. When using a brush, it is best to rotate it from the inside to the outside.

Raised leather can also be wiped with water!

Brushed leather is often thought to be more water-resistant than smooth leather, but in fact, it can be brushed with water, but only after it is dry.