
Daily Care 2Daily Care:
If your boots have mold:
Mold Prevention section

I was going to put away my boots, but when I went to put them on, I found that they were covered with mold.... Hiroaki Mitsuhashi, an expert colorist in the planning department of Columbus Corporation, Japan's top manufacturer of care products, gives an easy-to-understand lecture on how to take appropriate measures in such cases. Don't miss the tips on how to prevent mold.

Interview in 2022

Step.1 Before care

Spray Mist Platinum for Leather Cure Mold on a cloth and remove the shoe stain by gently dabbing with the sprayed cloth. Always remove with a clean part of the cloth, as the cloth will wipe away the mold. When handling moldy shoes, do so in a well-ventilated area, such as with a window open. Do not brush the mold off. It can be transferred to others, and inhaling mold is hazardous to health. Masks may be used if necessary. Discard the cloth used to remove the mold in a sealed plastic bag.

